
I'm a dreamer at heart and often I like to fly by the seat of my pants.

I suffer from depression and have for most of my life. I am no longer willing to stay silent about it. My hope is to share with others about this disease so they might understand it a bit better.

"I dare to believe!"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

They Call Me Gracie!

They Call Me Gracie!

Hmmm grace, yet one more reason I live in the Grace Space: when I was in massage school I once was walking across a large room where the entire class sat on the floor in a circle. We did that a lot in ‘herbal gerbil’ school (that by the way is my pet name for massage school and most things related to it).  The fact is most of the classes were held sitting on the floor of one room or another.  This wasn’t all bad though, except after lunch, it was oh so tempting to lay your head down and snooze off to sleep.  Here I was with a group of herbal gerbil students of which most I was old enough to be their mother. This was a wonderful experience for me; however I do admit there were some sti-raaange people there.

Back to my thought; as I was walking across the circle and I tripped, probably over a speck on the floor or some imaginary painted line… there I was creating a new dance step that would make Fred Astaire proud.  And so I came to a graceful stop landing one hand and one foot on the ground with the other hand and foot in the air and somewhere in between, my back-side brought applause. Yes, such elegance, such grace, so it was that point I was dubbed by a dear young herbal gerbil with a new name “Gracie”.  From that point on, most of my class called me Gracie and many of the teachers did also.  It’s wonderful to be loved!

BTW for any of you younger readers, who do not know who Fred Astaire is, click the link below to get a peek and enjoy.

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